我諗左一諗, 以為係郵箱... 點知一睇,原來係俾露宿者暫存佢地既行裝, 等佢地每日唔駛拎黎拎去.
突然感動, 又低落了一下. 感動. 因這是一個有同理心既社會. 低落. 因HK政府沒有那前瞻性同關懷. 但HK人有. 希望好快有團體會成功爭取有呢個"黃色流浪者之箱"啦
Today's discovery: What's that yellow box use for? They are a Solidary Lockers for homeless people to stock their belongings, so that they do not need to carry their heavy goods goes around everyday and can keep it safe. What's a caring city 💓